Salesforce Certified Heroku Architect

Universal Containers needs to write their Heroku application's logs to two destinations: an on- premise Syslog log server and a cloud analytics provider that ingests logs using an HTTPS endpoint.

What should an Architect recommend in this scenario?

  1. Publish all logs to Apache Kafka on Heroku, and create a separate app that consumes and distributes log messages.
  2. Write all logs to Heroku Redis as a buffer and use an add-on to send them to both destinations.
  3. Add a logging library to the application source that sends all logs directly to both destinations.
  4. Write all logs to stdout, and configure a separate log drain for each destination.

Answer(s): D


A hospital is planning to rewrite its on-premise patient registration system. Their current system is HIPAA-compliant as well as ISO 27018-compliant. They need to maintain these same certification levels after the rewrite. Their new app also needs to sync PII (personally identifiable information) data with their Salesforce org.

What Heroku Enterprise solutions should an Architect propose?

  1. Build the app in a Shield Private Space, with a Shield Heroku Postgres database, and use Apache Kafka on Heroku to stream from the Salesforce org.
  2. Build the app in the Common Runtime, use a Heroku Postgres database, and use Heroku Connect to sync to Salesforce.
  3. Build the app in a Shield Private Space, with a Shield Heroku Postgres database, and use Shield Heroku Connect to sync to Salesforce.
  4. Build the app in a Private Space with a Private Heroku Postgres database, and use Heroku Connect to sync to Salesforce.

Answer(s): C

A client is creating a new API application. The app should only be accessible from other apps that they deploy to Heroku. Also, traffic between the other apps and the API should not transit the public internet.

Which solution should an Architect recommend to meet these requirements?

  1. Create the application in a Private Space with default options.
  2. Create the application in a Private Space and restrict the application's set of trusted IP ranges.
  3. Create the application with Internal Routing enabled, in a Private Space.
  4. Create the application in a Shield Private Space to enforce stricter requirements for TLS termination.

Answer(s): B

A client has data in a production Heroku Postgres database, and needs to quickly get access to a subset of that data for reporting needs.

Which two features does Heroku Dataclips provide to enable this? (Choose two.)

  1. JSON export of query results, with CORS support
  2. CSV export of query results
  3. A simple REST API access to query results
  4. Postgres dump file of query results

Answer(s): A,B


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