Program Management Professional

Your program has 121 stakeholders that you'll need to communicate with. Your communications management plan defines how the communication should happen, what should be communicated, and the expected modality of the communications. You'll also need which one of the following as an input to the information distribution process in your program?

  1. Change requests
  2. Earned value management results
  3. Stakeholder analysis plan
  4. Performance reports

Answer(s): C

What is the formula to determine earned value (EV) for a program?

  1. Percent complete times percent remaining in the program
  2. Percent completes time the program cost estimate
  3. Percent complete times the program budget at completion
  4. Percent complete times the program cost of labor and materials

Answer(s): C

Olive is the program manager for her organization. She has created a request for proposal for a large portion of her program. In this work to be procured she has set several requirements for the vendors to participate. The chief among these requirements is a vendor must have at least four licensed electricians in his team. This requirement for four licensed electricians is an example of which one of the following terms?

  1. Screening system
  2. Scoring model
  3. Vendor analysis requirements
  4. Evaluation criteria

Answer(s): A

You are the program manager for your organization. Management has asked you to create a document that will capture the stakeholders concerns, perceived threats, and specific objectives about the program and its projects. What document is management asking you to create in this instance?

  1. Requirements document
  2. Project charter
  3. Business case
  4. Scope statement

Answer(s): C

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