Nokia Segment Routing
4A0-116 Exam

Which of the following statements about Multi-Protocol Label Switching networks is FALSE?

  1. MPLS uses a signaling protocol to exchange labels between routers.
  2. An LSR forwards data based on the MPLS labels.
  3. An LSP is a bi-directional tunnel that uses MPLS labels to forward data.
  4. The data is transparently carried from end to end.

Answer(s): D


The data is transparently carried from end to end: This statement is not true, MPLS does not provide data transparency, which means that the data is not carried unmodified from end to end. MPLS uses labels to forward data, so the original IP packets are encapsulated in new MPLS packets, and the original IP headers are not visible at the egress LSR.

Which of the following statements about a Segment Routing SID is FALSE?

  1. A Node-SID is usually associated with a router's system interface.
  2. Adjacency-SID values are taken from the SRGB configured for the routing protocol.
  3. A Prefix-SID can be configured directly as a label value or indirectly as an index.
  4. An Adjacency-SID does not have to be configured.

Answer(s): D


An Adjacency-SID does not have to be configured: this statement is not true, An Adjacency-SID is associated with a neighbor router, it is used to identify an adjacency between two routers. An Adjacency-SID must be configured to identify the adjacency.

Which of the following statements about Segment Routing is FALSE?

  1. No path signaling is required to establish an SR tunnel.
  2. Intermediate routers do not maintain any tunnel informal
  3. A link-state IGP is required to distribute SID information.
  4. For TE-constrained tunnels, each data packet typically carries a single MPLS label to specify the tunnel path.

Answer(s): B


Intermediate routers do not maintain any tunnel informal: this statement is false, Intermediate routers do maintain tunnel information, such as the Forwarding Information Base (FIB) to forward the packets according to the path specified in the packets.

Which of the following statements about a Segment Routing SID is FALSE?

  1. A local Node-SID can be configured directly as an MPLS label.
  2. A router advertises its local Node-SID as a local SRGB and an index only if it is configured as an index.
  3. All routers do NOT need to have the same SRGB range configured.
  4. A local Node-SID can be configured as an index.

Answer(s): B


A router advertises its local Node-SID as a local SRGB and an index only if it is configured as an index:
This statement is not true, A router will advertise its local Node-SID as a local SRGB and an index, whether it is configured as an index or not.

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