HealthCare Information Security and Privacy Practitioner

Which of the following is the BEST reason for writing an information security policy?

  1. To support information security governance
  2. To reduce the number of audit findings
  3. To deter attackers
  4. To implement effective information security controls

Answer(s): A

A covered healthcare provider which a direct treatment relationship with an individual need not:

  1. provide the notice no later than the date of the first service delivery, including service delivered electronically
  2. have the notice available at the service delivery site for individuals to request and keep
  3. get a acknowledgement of the notice from each individual on stamped paper
  4. post the notice in a clear and prominent location where it is reasonable to expect individuals seeking service from the covered healthcare provider to be able to read it

Answer(s): C

Health Information Rights although your health record is the physical property of the healthcare practitioner or facility that compiled it, the information belongs to you. You do not have the right to:

  1. obtain a paper copy of the notice of information practices upon request inspect and obtain a copy of your health record as provided for in 45 CFR 164.524
  2. request a restriction on certain uses and disclosures of your information outside the terms as provided by 45 CFR164.522
  3. amend your health record as provided in 45 CFR 164.528 obtain an accounting of disclosures of your health information as provided in 45 CFR 164.528
  4. revoke your authorization to use or disclose health information except to the extent that action has already been taken

Answer(s): B

Title II of HIPPA includes a section, Administrative Simplification, not requiring:

  1. Improved efficiency in healthcare delivery by standardizing electronic data interchange
  2. Protection of confidentiality of health data through setting and enforcing standards
  3. Protection of security of health data through setting and enforcing standards
  4. Protection of availability of health data through setting and enforcing standards

Answer(s): D

Mr. P
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Calvin B.
I just took my Certification testing for 10-184 Microsoft CRM Installation and Configuration. Your test questions definitely covered the essence of the exam material and I easily passed the exam.
- Lafayette

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- Doha

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- South Africa

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