HCIP Carrier IP V2.0
H31-124_v2.0 Exam

The Ethernet switch working in store and forward mode drops the frame with length smaller than 64 bytes.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer(s): A

VXLAN uses MAC in UDP encapsulation to extend Layer 2 networks and encapsulates Ethernet packets on IP packets. When packets are transmitted on a touted network, the intermediate touting device does not need to learn inner MAC addresses.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer(s): B

Which of the following statements about LAN switch is correct?

  1. LAN switch is transparent for user, it does not modify the data field of the forwarded frame.
  2. LAN switch can still operate normally even when loop exists.
  3. LAN switch can detect loop according to the contents of the packet.
  4. LAN switch can modify the data field of the forwarded frame when necessary.

Answer(s): C

Which of the following statements about layer 2 LAN switch are incorrect?

  1. LAN switch will modify the data link layer header of the packet and then forward it.
  2. LAN switch can learn Mac address automatically.
  3. LAN switch operates at data link layer.
  4. LAN switch will modify the network layer header of the packet and then forward it.

Answer(s): B

Lin Tzu
QUESTION: 154 - answer (D) - Transit gateway is wrong, should be C & E. Below are the components of the site to site VPN: Customer Gateway: A customer gateway is a physical device or software application on your side of the Site-to-Site VPN connection. Virtual Private Gateway: A virtual private gateway is the VPN concentrator on the AWS side of the Site-to-Site VPN connection. You create a virtual private gateway and attach it to the VPC from which you want to create the Site-to-Site VPN connection.
- Anonymous

I have passed the exam thankyou

Tzu Lin
What are the benefits of consolidated billing for AWS Cloud services? (Choose two.) Answer(s): C,E C) One bill for multiple accounts E) Custom cost and usage budget creation E seems incorrect, should be A = Volume discounts (Combined usage – You can combine the usage across all accounts in the organization to share the volume pricing discounts)

Questions are valid. I just passed.
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