HCNA-HNTD (Huawei Certified Network Associate - Huawei Network Technology and Device)
H12-211 Exam

A network administrator recently used tracert to trace the path to the destination IP address of an external website, however the trace path displayed only a timeout result.

Which of the following statements correctly explains the reason for this? (Choose two)

  1. The source router had shutdown the ICMP function.
  2. This destination IP address does not exist.
  3. The gateway cannot find a route to the destination.
  4. This is a normal phenomenon.

Answer(s): B,C

A network administrator uses the ping command to test connectivity to the destination on a Huawei AR series router.

Which statement regarding the output is correct?

  1. The network administrator used the command ping -c 2 -s 800
  2. The network administrator used the command ping -a 2 -v 800
  3. The path between the source and destination is not OK.
  4. The network administrator changed the default TTL value.

Answer(s): A

Which of the following statements explains the behavior of the ICMP redirect function? (Choose two)

  1. When a router receives data on the interface via which the same data needs to be forwarded, and the source is on the same segment as the next hop, an ICMP redirect message will be sent by the router to the source.
  2. When a router receives data on an interface, and the router’s IP address matches the destination IP of the data, an ICMP redirect message will be sent by the router to the source.
  3. When a router receives data on the interface via which the same data needs to be forwarded, and the source is on the same segment as the next hop, an ICMP Redirect message will be sent by the source to the router.
  4. When a router receives data on the interface via which the same data needs to be forwarded, and the source is on a different segment from the next hop, an ICMP redirect message will be sent by the router to the source

Answer(s): A,D

Host A wishes to send data to host C, and generates an ARP request to obtain the destination MAC address. Which statement is true?

  1. The destination IP address of the ARP request is Host C.
  2. The destination MAC address of this ARP request is Host C.
  3. The destination IP address for the ARP request is a broadcast IP address.
  4. The destination MAC address of this frame is the MAC address of G0/0/0 on RTA.

Answer(s): A

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