AWS DevOps Engineer - Professional (DOP-C01)

A company wants to migrate its content sharing web application hosted on Amazon EC2 to a serverless architecture. The company currently deploys changes to its application by creating a new Auto Scaling group of EC2 instances and a new Elastic Load Balancer, and then shifting the tra c away using an Amazon Route
53 weighted routing policy.
For its new serverless application, the company is planning to use Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda. The company will need to update its deployment processes to work with the new application. It will also need to retain the ability to test new features on a small number of users before rolling the features out to the entire user base.
Which deployment strategy will meet these requirements?

  1. Use AWS CDK to deploy API Gateway and Lambda functions. When code needs to be changed, update the AWS CloudFormation stack and deploy the new version of the APIs and Lambda functions. Use a Route 53 failover routing policy for the canary release strategy.
  2. Use AWS CloudFormation to deploy API Gateway and Lambda functions using Lambda function versions. When code needs to be changed, update the CloudFormation stack with the new Lambda code and update the API versions using a canary release strategy. Promote the new version when testing is complete.
  3. Use AWS Elastic Beanstalk to deploy API Gateway and Lambda functions. When code needs to be changed, deploy a new version of the API and Lambda functions. Shift tra c gradually using an Elastic Beanstalk blue/green deployment.
  4. Use AWS OpsWorks to deploy API Gateway in the service layer and Lambda functions in a custom layer. When code needs to be changed, use OpsWorks to perform a blue/green deployment and shift tra c gradually.

Answer(s): B

A company's application is currently deployed to a single AWS Region. Recently, the company opened a new o ce on a different continent. The users in the new o ce are experiencing high latency. The company's application runs on Amazon EC2 instances behind an Application Load Balancer (ALB) and uses Amazon
DynamoDB as the database layer. The instances run in an EC2 Auto Scaling group across multiple Availability Zones. A DevOps Engineer is tasked with minimizing application response times and improving availability for users in both Regions. Which combination of actions should be taken to address the latency issues? (Choose three.)

  1. Create a new DynamoDB table in the new Region with cross-Region replication enabled.
  2. Create new ALB and Auto Scaling group global resources and con gure the new ALB to direct tra c to the new Auto Scaling group.
  3. Create new ALB and Auto Scaling group resources in the new Region and con gure the new ALB to direct tra c to the new Auto Scaling group.
  4. Create Amazon Route 53 records, health checks, and latency-based routing policies to route to the ALB.
  5. Create Amazon Route 53 aliases, health checks, and failover routing policies to route to the ALB.
  6. Convert the DynamoDB table to a global table.

Answer(s): C,D,F

A DevOps engineer used an AWS CloudFormation custom resource to set up AD Connector. The AWS Lambda function executed and created AD Connector, but
CloudFormation is not transitioning from CREATE_IN_PROGRESS to CREATE_COMPLETE.
Which action should the engineer take to resolve this issue?

  1. Ensure the Lambda function code has exited successfully.
  2. Ensure the Lambda function code returns a response to the pre-signed URL.
  3. Ensure the Lambda function IAM role has cloudformation:UpdateStack permissions for the stack ARN.
  4. Ensure the Lambda function IAM role has ds:ConnectDirectory permissions for the AWS account.

Answer(s): B

A company plans to stop using Amazon EC2 key pairs for SSH access, and instead plans to use AWS Systems Manager Session Manager. To further enhance security, access to Session Manager must take place over a private network only.
Which combinations of actions will accomplish this? (Choose two.)

  1. Allow inbound access to TCP port 22 in all associated EC2 security groups from the VPC CIDR range.
  2. Attach an IAM policy with the necessary Systems Manager permissions to the existing IAM instance pro le.
  3. Create a VPC endpoint for Systems Manager in the desired Region.
  4. Deploy a new EC2 instance that will act as a bastion host to the rest of the EC2 instance eet.
  5. Remove any default routes in the associated route tables.

Answer(s): B,C

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